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On Monday, March 28th, 2022, the White House released the FY2023 budget proposal along with an 11-page fact sheet.
The budget proposal is a 158-page pdf file that covers $6 Trillion in spending.
The opening of the budget discusses the President’s “achievements” in 2021. Which I covered in the 11-page fact sheet article on America’s Tribune which you can check out below.
A summary of the departments and the proposed funding to those departments.
Department of Agriculture $28.5 billion
Department of Commerce $11.7 billion
Department of Defense $773 billion
Department of Education $88.3 billion
Department of Energy $48.2 billion
Department of Health & Human Services $127.3 billion
Department of Homeland Security $56.7 billion
Department of Housing and Urban Development $71.9 billion
Department of Interior $17.5 billion
Department of Justice $37.7 billion
Department of Labor $14.6 billion
Department of State $67.6 billion
Department of Transportation $1.5 billion
Department of Treasury $2.7 billion
Corps of Engineers $6.6 billion
Environmental Protection Agency $11.9 billion
NASA $26 billion
National Science Foundation $10.5 billion
Small Business Administration $159 million
Social Security Administration $1.8 billion
Executive orders signed by President Biden and policies mentioned in the budget.
Executive Order 14017 “America Supply Chains”
Executive Order 14036 “Promoting Competition in the American Economy”
Executive Order 14005 “Ensuring the Future Is Made in All of America by All American Workers”
Executive Order 13985 “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”
Executive Order 13988 “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.”
Executive Order 14035 “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce.”
Executive Order 14008 “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”
The summary begins my stating that the administration created over 6.5 million new jobs in 2021 and the economy grew by 5.7% and unemployment went from 6.4% to 3.8%
But what they won't tell you is the number of those jobs that were simply people returning to work after mask mandates and covid restrictions. How many people were forced to work from home or lost their jobs as a result.
You can already see above that the unemployment rates were already in a downward trend. Pre-COVID, the unemployment rate was already at 3.6%. In 2021 it jumped substantially to 6.7%. The following year in 2021 it went back down to 3.9% as a result of people returning to work post mandates. You can't claim that you created jobs because you lifted mandates and sent people back to work.
They also state that the economy grew 5.7% and the deficit fell by $300 billion.
What they won't tell you is that the deficit to GDP growth ratio was at its highest since 1945. As pictured above. Meaning that the deficit was at 15% and 12% higher than GDP. And that the only reason 2021 saw a GDP growth rate was due to the fact that the National GDP Growth rate was at -3.49% during mandates and lockdowns. The largest annual change was in 2020 since 1983. As pictured below.
The budget also claims that the Biden Administration projects the deficit in 2022 will be more than $1.3 trillion lower than the previous year. Which is an easy feat to accomplish when you print 80% of the money in existence within the last 2 years. That is not a conspiracy theory either. You can see the chart below.
The White House fact sheet also claims that the Biden Administration has seen the strongest economic growth in four decades, thanks to the American Rescue plan. Well, the data above debunks the idea that the economy is strong. But let's not forget that the United States in $30 trillion in debt.
What the American Rescue plan did was put the U.S economy in a position where we are experiencing the highest inflation rates since 1978.
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Pages 1-10 are a summary of what the Administration claims that they achieved in 2021.
(2) They combated the climate crisis at home and globally and continue to do so. They state that the future budget fulfills Biden’s promise that no one who earns less than $400,000 will pay a penny more in taxes. Which just so happens to be the exact Salary of the President of the United States.
(5) They created 423,000 new manufacturing jobs and spent $160 to ARP to support the President’s vaccination programs. Where they issued over 1.2 billion doses globally for free. “FREE”
(7) Spent $65 billion for free broadband internet access and rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement.
(8) Spent $65 billion through the Department of Energy for clean energy.
(9) Increased federal contracts for businesses owned by people of color 50%
The Administration took steps to eliminate racial disparities in maternal health
The President moved to eliminate and condemn racism and xenophobia
Singed the Presidential Memorandum to ensure the Federal Government stands up against racism and xenophobia. With references on hate crimes related to COVID-19
Issued access to broadband and water infrastructure for communities effected by COVID-19?
(10) Ended the 20-year war in Afghanistan.
Served as the world’s vaccine arsenal
Rejoined the World Health Organization and United Nations Human Rights Council
This is where they start to summarize the contents of the FY2023 Budget Proposal.
(13) Tuition free community college for 2 years
Expand and supports expansion of Historically black colleges.
Enhances the child tax credit.
(14) Reserve fund for future legislation.
Combats and prevents gun violence
Combats Russian aggression
Proposes to drop the deficit by $1 trillion in just 1 year. Which will be paid for by taxing the wealthy and major corporations. The proposal plans to fund at least half of the budget raising these taxes. Which would mean that $3 trillion of the budget will be funded by raising taxes on the wealthy. And making the American people pick up the rest of the tab.
(15) $200 million for solar manufacturing.
$1.4 billion to deploy nationwide network of electrical vehicle chargers.
$1.3 billion for Carbon Reduction Grant Program.
$7.4 billion to Amtrak. Which many politicians in Washington D.C have stocks in.
(16) Connects all Americans to high speed, affordable, and reliable internet.
$600 million to the ReConnect Program for tribal areas.
$50 billion mandatory funding for low-income housing and housing tax credits
$35 billion to help fund HUD and Section 8 housing
$88 million to the Department of Justice Antitrust Division
(17) $100 million to help support minority owned businesses. And bolster services provided by minority owned enterprise. (18) Funding to NATO
$773 billion to the Department of Defense with emphasis on combating China in the Indo-Pacific theater
$682 million to Ukraine for aid. Even though we just spent roughly $15 billion in the Ukranian Aid Package.
$3.2 billion to support global democracy, human rights and anti-corruption.
(19) Advances the Presidential Memorandum on advancing LGBTQI human rights around the world.
Counters violent extremist organizations
Pays United Nations Dues for Global Peacekeeping Operations
$1.4 Billion to help fund the World’s Banks. And keep the United States as the historically largest donor.
$3.5 to the World Bank to help combat COVID-19
$10.6 billion for Global Health to help combat COVID-19
$1 billion to prepare for future global outbreaks
(20) $6.5 to the Department of State Biological Defense Program for future outbreaks. Which I covered in a 4-part series including the U.S Biological Labs in Ukraine. These programs are tied to the old Biological Weapons program that the United States had from 1943-1969 and gain of function research. With ties to The Department of Health & Human Services, CDC, WHO and NIH.
$2.6 billion to fund gender equality globally
$200 million to the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund
$10 billion to refugee and humanitarian aid
$6.3 billion to the Office of Refugee Resettlement
(21) $1.4 billion for immigration courts
$4.5 for legal representation of immigrants
$9.8 billion for the VA to facilitate Women’s health.
(22) Prepare for future pandemics
$81.7 to the Department of Health & Human Services for biological threats for
Making effective vaccinations for new discovered pathogens within 100 days of discovery (Gain of Function Research)
Domestic and global biological threat surveillance
(23) $9.9 billion to the CDC for vaccination programs in regard to future outbreaks.
A portion of which covers addressing gun violence as a public health crisis.
Vaccines for children
$9.1 billion in mandatory funding for the Indian Health Service
Mental health equity for black, American Indian and Alaska Native women
(24) $487 million to the Violence Against Women Act in order to provide resources for new programs to support transgender survivors of violence. And to also combat the mental health crisis exacerbated by COVID-19. While also taking historic steps to combat the climate crisis and advance Environmental Justice. What is Environmental Justice? (25) $44.9 to tackle the climate crisis and Environmental Justice (26) $3 billion to support clean energy projects.
$150 million to electrify tribal homes with renewable energy
$1 billion mandatory funding to launch the Global Clean Energy Manufacturing effort
$757 million to transition government fleet vehicles to zero emission and $300 million for GSA fleet vehicles and charging stations.
(27) Funding federal firefighters (28) $1.4 million to the Department of Justice to establish an office for Environmental Justice
(29) $9 billion to the Department of Energy for clean energy research.
$11 billion to fund global climate finance and global energy
(30) Student loan forgiveness and $7.6 to help fund childcare
(31) $1 billion to hire more school counselors, psychologists, social workers and nurses
$31 million to help fund small businesses for people of color and women
Employment obligations of the Federal Government to protect against discrimination based on race, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.
(33) $86 million to support access to homes for minority homebuyers
(34) Federal Law Enforcement
$17.4 billion to the Department of Justice which includes the following:
$1.7 billion to the ATF to expand multijurisdictional gun trafficking strike forces to help increase regulation on the firearms industry.
$1.8 billion to the U.S Marshalls for gun crime
$69 billion to the FBI for gun crime
$72.1 million to U.S Attorney’s to prosecute violent crimes
$367 million to the Department of Justice for police reform, civil rights protection, prosecution of hate crimes, enforcement of voting rights and equitable access to justice
(35) $10 billion in new elections funding
Expanding the use of mail in voting through the USPS
20% minimum tax on multi-millionaires ($100 million and over)
Raises the corporate tax to 28% while also changing the corporate tax code
(36) proposes a global minimum tax (37) Expand the Department of Labor’s Civil Rights Center
Equity at the VA based on race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity for better service.
(38) Quotes that the federal Government is the largest employer in the United States. They employ an estimated 4 million people.
(39) Raises the minimum wage for federal workers to $15 an hour. The ramifications of this will further raise inflation and have a substantial impact on the national economy. Especially on the State level.
(41) Promotes having all government vehicles to zero emissions by 2035.
(46) Covers racial injustice. By allocating $31 million to the Department of Agriculture to fight for Civil Rights. It also allocates $2 billion to the Department of Agriculture to provide free Wi-Fi to American citizens.
(47) Provides $6.8 billion for SNAP benefits.
(50) Allocates $110 million for minority owned businesses.
$6.9 billion for NOAA for clean energy ($1.4 billion for wind energy)
$45 million for offshore wind energy
Department of Defense $773 billion
(54) Biological Threat and Biological Threat Reduction Program
(55) Small business opportunities in underserved communities. Which has absolutely nothing with the Department of Defense. But everything to push the Administration’s racial equity and equality programs.
Department of Education
(58) $100 million for grant programs to prevent segregation. And to promote racial diversity in schools. I was under the impression that segregation ended a long time ago. So, I am curious as to why this is being put into a proposed budget.
(59) Increase funding for historically black colleges to the tune of $752 million. It also provides $161 million to strengthen Civil Rights through the Department of Education.
Department of Energy
(61) $2.1 billion to support clean energy. And $9.2 billion in clean energy research.
(63) $7.8 billion to the Office of Science for biological defense research and programs.
(66) $81.7 billion for Biological Defense programs to the Department of Health & Human Services to help fund vaccine manufacturing and gain of function research. HHS is one of the agencies that works in conjunction with DOD at Ft. Detrick, NIH, CDC and WHO to help maintain gain of function and biological labs in places like Ukraine. And all of these programs are attached to the old United States Biological Weapons program that ran from 1943-1969
(67) $28 billion for the CDC to help fund biological defense. Also attached to the above-mentioned programs.
$9.9 billion to the CDC to address gun violence as a public health epidemic.
$400 million to Planned Parenthood
(68) $6.3 billion to Refugee Resettlement Homeland Security
(71) $3.5 billion to climate resilience program. Not too sure what the Department of Homeland Security has to do with climate.
(72) $7.1 billion to TSA
(73) $32.1 billion in rental assistance for HUD and Section 8 housing
(78) $3 billion to the Department of Interior for racial justice and equality.
Department of Justice
(81) $17.4 billion to combat gun crimes
$1.7 to the ATF
$11.8 to US Marshalls
$69 million to the FBI
To go after gun manufacturers.
$367 million for Civil Rights
$18 million to the FBI for Civil Rights
(82) $1 million for election related crimes
$33 million for Domestic Terrorism
$1 billion to support the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 for transgender survivors
(83) $1.4 billion for immigration courts
$1.4 million to launch the Office for Environmental Justice
(86) $303 million to increase apprenticeships for people of color and women.
(89) $11 billion for internal climate finance
$1.6 billion for the Green Climate Fund
$3.2 billion loan for to the Clean Technology Fund
$10.6 billion to help fund global health
(90) $6.5 billion for biological threats globally
(91) $3.5 to World Banks
$3.2 billion to support democracy globally (for human rights and LGBTQI rights)
$219 to help support Palestine. Funding foreign terrorist organizations?
$2.6 billion to advance gender equality globally
$200 million for Gender Equity and Equality Fund
(97) $2.2 billion for Child Tax credits Environmental Protection Agency
(105) $1.5 billion for environmental justice
National Science Foundation
(11) $1.6 billion for climate research regarding climate change.
$393 million to increase STEM participation at historically black colleges
(113) $31 million to support women and people of color in Entrepreneural Development Programs
(114) $10 million to support small businesses combatting climate change and support clean energy.
Overall, this budget proposal reads like a bad policy overview written by the most radical and woke liberals that the Administration could muster. And raises a lot of concerns while also warranting some Constitutionally based questions.
They emphasize vaccination programs, vaccinating the entire world, free broadband in the form of welfare, the use terminology like racial injustice, racism and xenophobia, human rights, promoting historically black colleges and issuing grants based on race, gender, gender identification and sexual preference, child tax credits which will further the inflation problem in the United States, combat and prevent gun violence by using the Federal Government to target gun manufacturers and utilizing the CDC to combat gun reform as a public health epidemic, targets Russian aggression but not American aggression while funding NATO and the UN who are bullies themselves, bolstering solar manufacturing and funding offshore wind energy while doing nothing to fix our current energy crisis and energy independence, propping up welfare programs like SNAP, HUD and Section 8 housing, putting emphasis on supporting minority owned businesses, sending more money to Ukraine after they passed an Aid Package to the tune of $15 billion dollars which went mostly toward military operations that do not exist, supporting global democracy and gender equality in other countries, combatting violent extremist organizations domestically to target political opposition, preparing for future outbreaks that have not happened which makes on question what it is that they are planning, funding immigration courts, biological defense programs that are attached to biological labs once belonging to the biological weapons program, making a new agency to combat environmental justice, funding the complete transition of government vehicle fleets to electric vehicles and charging stations across the United States, student loan forgiveness, hiring more woke educators in schools, and giving access to home buying grants based on race, expanding mail in voting and raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, preventing school segregation that that actually exists, funding the TSA and planned parenthood.
Why do we waste so much money? More importantly why are we sending billions overseas to help nations that do nothing for us. And they expect to pay for at least half of this bill by increasing taxation on the very people and corporations that create jobs and tax revenue.
It is no wonder why we are $30 trillion in debt as a nation.
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-The Patriot Edda-
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