Additional Aid to Ukraine or Money Laundering?
At what point do we start to hold our elected officials accountable? Time and time again we have in depth conversations about the...
Additional Aid to Ukraine or Money Laundering?
The Realistic Truth of Volodymyr Zelensky. The not so "heroic" puppet.
U.S Bio Labs Part 4. Who operates and funds Ukraine's Bio Labs?
What is in the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act Part 2
The U.S still uses chemical weapons. Civilian Casualties and Western hypocrisy.
US Bio Labs Part 3 airs tonight at 7pm EST
What is in the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act Part 1
Was Russia right about Nazism in the Ukrainian Government?
Catching up on US Bio Labs. Part 2
Catching up on US Bio Labs. Part 1
What if I told you NATO is the aggressor?